Our Story
In the 1970s, local communities began to look for more control over their community services. They negotiated with their local city governments: a new approach and partnerships emerged. These community hubs began to be turned over to residents who partnered with the city to ensure that these met local needs.
Today, we are each in partnership with the City of Toronto: the municipal government provides us the facilities and core operating resources to serve our communities. Alongside this support, an independent community-based board helps to shape and set the direction of our centres: we're in local control, with the right flexibility to adapt to what we need today.
The AoCC movements are now an inspired model of what can happen when the city, its residents and other community members work together.

What We Do
We create an important bridge between the City of Toronto and the community sector as we are active members of community-based networks and committees throughout the city.

Leading Community Innovations
Each AOCC is unique. As neighbourhood focused centres, programming and initiatives reflect the assets and needs of each neighbourhood. The diversity of the AOCC’s community innovations span from creating conditions for the full participation of LGBTQ2S communities, to advancing local social enterprise and advocating on diversity, equity and inclusion issues critical to our communities and neighbourhoods.
The 519
The 519 has been built by Toronto’s 2SLGBTQ+ communities as a space where people come together to celebrate, organize, and create community. Through programming, direct service, and advocacy, The 519 works with communities to respond to the needs of our local neighbourhoods and 2SLGBTQ+ communities across Toronto and beyond.
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Ralph Thornton
RTCC is where neighbours meet, events are celebrated, programs are enjoyed, and support is exchanged. We develop programs, nourish culture, and empower resident action. We work with other agencies, individuals, and groups to build the capacity of a caring, healthy, and vibrant community.
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Our waterfront community is the fastest growing vertical neighbourhood in the City! Our programs mirror our community as the demand for family, children, community outreach and senior programs are on the rise. By engaging the community, we ensure that WNC’s activities will meet the growing and diverse needs of our neighbourhood – now and in the future.
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What People Think of the AoCC
Our Impact
Every day, AOCCs make a difference in our city. These are a just a few examples of how.
Clients served
Dollars Raised in One Year
Networks Connected
104,669+ sq ft
Space for Community Use
Volunteers Hosted

Learn more about AoCC?
To better understand what we do, and how you can get involved, sign up for our newsletter(s) here! You can also visit the City of Toronto’s website here.
95 Lavinia Avenue, Toronto, ON, Canada
707 Dundas Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada
765 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON, Canada
627 Queens Quay West, Toronto, ON, Canada
86 Blake Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
97 Main Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
160 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, ON, Canada
58 Cecil Street, Toronto, ON, Canada
60 Woodfield Road, Toronto, ON, Canada
The 519, Church St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2C9, Canada